First excuse for being distant - bridesmaid duties for this handsome couple...I don't know why I'm jealous that they're honeymooning in Costa Rica. I guess somehow their trip seems much more exotic & amazing than my Mexican adventures!
Second excuse - The intensive yoga training class has been incredible so far. But when they say intensive they mean it! I've meditated and am halfway through a yoga practice before the SUN RISES. Hardest part of the whole thing so far is to rival our teachers' good attitude and energy when I know their job is much harder than ours. We do have a good amount of physical yoga in classes but the bulk of the day is dedicated to study...and I am finding that the studying is the most inspiring part (even more inspiring than my increasingly impressive pipes...)
Favorite topic from the week is one of the Niyamas (aka recommendations) of yoga: samtosha - contentment. Imagine you're in the middle of two minutes in warrior 2...
Are you mentally cursing your instructor while clenching your teeth or can you take a deep breath and put a little smile on your face? I feel like a lot of our lessons are coming a few months late - one example being when I was freaking out about Jaime's visa. Maybe I could have found a way to work samtosha into my life instead of being a drama queen/ball of nerves? I'm going to work on it because the only thing we can control in difficult situations is our attitude and our response to stress/sadness/anger... It's going to be the homework of my life - because this girl's favorite thing to do is to think she's in charge!
What a good thought for the day...or for life! Thanks for sharing some inspiring and encouraging words. Glad to see you are back to blogging, too. :)